Talking Mule Deer is an official podcast of the Mule Deer Foundation. TMD covers mule deer and black-tailed deer biology, hunting, and conservation issues. Hosted by Steve Belinda and Jodi Stemler, both passionate conservationist who bring a wealth of knowledge, humor and intrigue to mule deer conservation and help listeners underdstand what MDF does and what you can do to help mule deer.

Monday May 06, 2019
S2 E14 - Camp Chef
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
S2 E14 - Camp Chef’s Brooks Hansen
We love to hunt, but we also love to eat the wonderful wild game meat we bring home and Logan, Utah’s Camp Chef provides some of the best tools to cook your meals in the field or at home. This week Steve and Jodi are talking mule deer with Camp Chef’s marketing manager Brooks Hansen. Brooks tells us about growing up mule deer hunting with his family in Utah and how hunting still provides him with family adventures in the Utah mountains. We learn that the founder of Camp Chef came up with the idea when he was cooking for a hungry group of boy scouts and he thought that there had to be a better way. Camp Chef’s two-burner stoves have developed from the same basic concept over 30 years ago and they continue to expand their product line and improve their quality every year. The company has a broad range of grills, stoves, cast iron and accessories that will allow you to make first class meals anywhere from the backyard to the back country. He gives us some tips for game cooking and some of the best Camp Chef equipment to take up to deer camp. We wrap up talking about Camp Chef’s sponsorship of, and Brooks’ friendship with, The Sporting Chef’s Scott Leysath and a unique hunt that they have planned.

Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
S2 E13 - Nevada Department of Wildlife with Director Tony Wasley and NDOW’s game division manager Brian Wakeling
This week’s episode of Talking Mule Deer features that great state of Nevada. We talk to the executive director of the Nevada Department of Wildlife, Tony Wasley, and game division manager Brian Wakeling about what’s going on in the state. Wasley has also been co-chairing a national committee working to evaluate how to make conservation, hunting and fishing relevant in society when they appear to be declining in priority. He talks about a “Roadmap to Relevance” that partners are developing with specific recommendations on how to help spread awareness of our wildlife and outdoor traditions. We then shift gears and hear about the status of Nevada big game animals. Brian talks about current populations and tells us about habitat quality and the impacts of recent big fires on the sagebrush landscape. We also learn a little bit about the challenge of managing feral horses and burros in the state and how these rapidly growing populations are affecting public lands. Steve asks about the state game commission’s decision to regulate trail cameras around water holes and Tony talks about why this has been a growing issue and what the regulations are intended to do. We talk about Nevada’s efforts to conserve big game migration corridors and wrap up with an overview of the state’s new online licensing system.

Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Season 2 Episode 12 - Wildlife and Transportation with TRCP’s Ed Arnett and the Colorado Wildlife and Transportation Alliance
On this episode of Talking Mule Deer, Steve and Jodi are talking with Ed Arnett with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and David Singer with the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Colorado Wildlife and Transportation Alliance. We learn a little bit about the organizations before diving into the work happening on issues related to wildlife/vehicle collisions and road ecology. The TRCP hosted a workshop in January, co-sponsored by a number of other organizations including MDF, that was inspired by Secretarial Order 3362 on big game migration corridors. The meeting brought together key players in conservation organizations, state fish and wildlife agencies, and state and federal transportation agencies. This meeting helped to bring in existing knowledge related to wildlife and transportation issues and talk through what can be done to improve planning to help ensure wildlife is able to continue to move through traditional migration corridors that might be fragmented by highways. We talk about how MDF members and chapters could get engaged on transportation issues by working with local and state governments early in the planning process for highway development. Ed tells us about how planning, design and fencing are the keys to improve designs to allow wildlife crossings – and just wait to hear the statistics for how big an impact wildlife/vehicle collisions have on the car insurance industry! We wrap up by talking about what’s on the horizon and how interested individuals can get more information at the TRCP workshop home page and the Colorado Wildlife and Transportation Alliance webpages.

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Season 2, Episode 11 - State Sportsmen’s Legislation with Andy Treharne of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation and Nephi Cole of the National Shooting Sports Foundation
Steve and Jodi caught up with Andy Treharne of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation and Nephi Cole of the National Shooting Sports Foundation at the recent North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference to talk about state sportsmen’s legislation. Treharne describes what state legislative sportsmen’s caucuses are and how CSF serves a resource on issues and events through the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses and the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus. Andy explains how each caucus is different and how the organizations work proactively to engage with these legislators on a wide variety of issues. NSSF’s Cole also talks about how state legislative bodies are actively working on a variety of second amendment issues in the states during the current legislative session. Both of our guests describe how state legislative sessions can be very different than Congress, how quickly issues can move, and how to effectively work with state legislators who are typically part-time politicians. This Talking Mule Deer episode is a great resource for how chapters and members can make a difference on state sportsmen’s issues.

Monday Apr 08, 2019
S2 E10 - Ladies Hunting Camp with Candy Yow and Jeremy Anderson
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Season 2 Episode 10 -Ladies Hunting Camp with Candy Yow and Jeremy Anderson
Today we are talking with Candy Yow who started a Ladies Hunting Camp as a way to share information with women who are interested in learning how to hunt and shoot – this summer the camps will be in Oregon and Utah. The camps provide instruction on a variety of techniques that include archery and rifle shooting; tracking, stalking and calling game; field dressing and processing meat; outdoor cooking; and much more. Women (and girls!) must have their hunter ed card, but all ages and skill levels are welcome to attend. Jeremy Anderson, MDF’s regional director in Utah, describes how Utah chapters helped with last year’s camp and also how transformational it was for his wife to participate – to the extent that this year, she completed her hunter safety course! These events have women empowering other women to be active participants in conservation, and MDF will be helping to sponsor the camp and have an increased presence in the Utah event this year. Jeremy also tells us about the MDF ladies’ chapters that are starting to develop in Utah, Oregon and California. Candy’s Ladies Hunting Camp continues to grow and there are many ladies coming back year after year, so they are planning on expanding opportunities with other learning experiences. Listen to this episode of Talking Mule Deer to get more detailed information about this year’s Ladies Hunting Camps, and check it out online at ladieshunting.com.

Monday Apr 01, 2019
S2 E9 - The Dakota Boyz
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Dakota Boyz – Season 2 Episode 9 – April 1
It’s April 1st and we’re talking to the Dakota Boyz, Ole Olsen and his cousin Sven Svenson. They’re telling us about what they’re up to in both North and South Dakota. There’s some great projects going on, and they’ve been having fun huntin’ and fishin’ and have the stories to prove it. We learn about lutefisk Twinkies, Leinenkugel and shield maidens. They also talk about some of the cool new MDF events they’re running up in the Dakotas like Beers for Deer and Gun-a-paloozas – and they tell us about the two new chapters launched in Minnesota. Steve then describes the time when MDF Regional Director Marshall Johnson had him eat Atomic Bison Turds (go NDSU!). Boy, those guys know how to make a fool of themselves…

Monday Mar 25, 2019
S2 E8 - Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation President - Jeff Crane
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Season 2, Episode 8 - Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation President Jeff Crane
Today we are talking to Jeff Crane, President of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. CSF plays a key role for sportsmen and women on Capitol Hill and in state houses around the country. Jeff describes more about the organization and its affiliated National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses and the Governors’ Sportsmen’s Caucus. Miles Moretti, President/CEO of the Mule Deer Foundation joins us and both he and Jeff talk about why sportsmen should care about policy. They talk about some of the legislation that has recently passed such as the Farm Bill, including the provision that helps sagebrush restoration that will benefit habitat, and the “fire borrowing fix”. Both Jeff and Miles are also members of the Hunting and Shooting Sports Conservation Council, a federal committee established to help advise the Secretary of the Interior and Agriculture on sportsmen’s issues and they describe some of the priorities they are working on. We also hear about some of the issues sportsmen and women should pay attention to that are on the horizon. CSF provides updated information about what’s going on in Congress as well as state legislatures at www.congressionalsportsmen.org and also include recommendations on what individuals can do to get involved.

Monday Mar 18, 2019
S2 E7 - Outdoor Writer - Mark Kayser
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Season 2 Episode 7 – Mark Kayser
During the 2019 Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show), Steve and Jodi had the opportunity to sit down with outdoor writer Mark Kayser, who is a regular contributor to the MDF magazine. Kayser describes how he got his start as an outdoor writer – a vocation that started back with a school assignment to “write about what he was passionate about”. While he’s an avid and skilled mule deer hunter, we focus on why he loves predator hunting so much and he shares some of the tips he’s learned about how to become a better predator hunter. He tells us about his 2018 deer hunting season, and why he likes being able to hunt “crossover” units so that if he’s not successful on a mule deer he can still harvest a whitetail. We also hear his craziest hunting story and how he loves living the outdoor lifestyle.

Friday Mar 01, 2019
S2 E6 - "State of MDF " wtih Miles Moretti & Mike Laughter
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Season 2, Episode 6 - State of MDF – Miles Moretti & Mike Laughter
With Hunt Expo just a week ago, Jodi and Steve got the opportunity to sit back down with MDF President/CEO Miles Moretti and MDF’s Director of Field Operations Mike Laughter to hear about the “State of MDF.” Overall, Miles says the organization is in the best position of its 30-year history. We talk about how MDF is actively engaged and being sought out for policy efforts at the national level and at the state and local level through the regional directors. In particular, Miles tells us about a few specific federal policy priorities – a provision that will streamline mule deer and sage grouse habitat restoration that was included in the Farm Bill, and the rapid implementation of Secretarial Order 3362 on big game migration corridors and winter range and MDF’s involvement in that effort. Mike talks about the tremendous growth in chapters as well as the increase in chapters’ “net” fundraising ability which allows the chapters to direct even more funds toward habitat conservation projects through Chapter Rewards. Miles tells us that in 2018, MDF was able to allocate $3.5 million to on-the-ground habitat restoration efforts – not counting the additional dollars donated and the in-kind hours through volunteer work. Finally, Mike and Miles talk about what is coming down the pike for 2019.

Monday Feb 11, 2019
S2 E5 - 2019 Western Hunting and Conservation Expo
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Season 2, Episode 5: 2019 Western Conservation and Hunting Expo with Miles Moretti and Rob Keck
Today, on the week that the Western Hunting & Conservation Expo opens, we are celebrating all things Hunt Expo. Steve and Jodi are talking with MDF President/CEO Miles Moretti and renowned voice for conservation, and the master of ceremonies during the Hunt Expo evening banquets, Rob Keck. We talk a little bit about the history of Hunt Expo since MDF and Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife took the reins 11 years ago and then focus on what you can expect at this year’s show. There will be over 500 vendors this year in more than 530,000 square feet of exhibit hall space. Miles tells us about the keynote speakers for this year and the scheduled entertainment for the evening banquets, and how to buy your tickets for the show floor and the evening events. We talk about some of the incredible auction items that will be available throughout the event and the online bidding options for those who aren’t able to be in Salt Lake. Miles tells us about the many family activities during the show including the Youth Wildlife Conservation Experience and the Ladies Luncheon, and how this year we not only have the Great Salt Lake waterfowl calling contest but also the new Western Hunting & Conservation Expo elk calling contest as well. The Western Hunting & Conservation is open daily starting on Thursday February 14 through Sunday February 17 in the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.