Talking Mule Deer is an official podcast of the Mule Deer Foundation. TMD covers mule deer and black-tailed deer biology, hunting, and conservation issues. Hosted by Steve Belinda and Jodi Stemler, both passionate conservationist who bring a wealth of knowledge, humor and intrigue to mule deer conservation and help listeners underdstand what MDF does and what you can do to help mule deer.

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
S3 E14 - Passage of the Great American Outdoor Act Live Show Recording
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Relive Talking Mule Deer's first “live” podcast from Wednesday, July 22 in coordination with the final vote on the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) by the U.S. House of Representative . Join Steve and Jodi while they visited with their guests - MDF President Miles Moretti, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation President Jeff Crane, and Wildlife Mississippi Executive Director and Chair of the Boone and Crockett Club’s policy committee James Cummins, as the vote happened and ultimately passed 310-107. The bill will now head to the President for signature to become law. This is a huge legislative win for the conservation community and one that has been fought for decades.
The GAOA will permanently fund Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) at its authorized level of $900 million per year for land conservation as well as state and local parks. In addition to LWCF funding, the GAOA authorizes significant funding ($1.9 billion/year) over five years to address the backlog in maintenance on federal public lands.
We also visited about the recently released report Wildlife for the 21st Century: Volume 6 report that was released last week by the American Wildlife Conservation Partners where conservation funding was the first of 10 key wildlife policy issues.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Fourth of July Kickoff with MDF Director of Field Operations, Mike Laughter – Season 3 Episode 13 – June 30
As we head into the July 4th holiday weekend, Jodi and Steve talk to MDF’s director of field operations, Mike Laughter, to get an update on our field events and fundraising opportunities. Mike fills us in on what regional directors are doing with their chapters under state public health orders, and how they are working back into events and field work as some states have loosened restrictions. He tells us about a recent project he participated in that is monitoring fawn mortality in northern Utah. We also hear about the great prizes in the MDF Ultimate Giveaway – a fundraising project he helped launch several years ago – and how you can help support MDF by buying tickets for the Giveaway before the end of July. We wrap up our conversation by telling you the Top 10 Talking Mule Deer episodes, by number of downloads, and we each give our thoughts on a few of the episodes that didn’t make the Top 10 that we think our listeners should go back and download. This includes a rabbit-hole conversation on the recent passing of the Great American Outdoors Act by the Senate and the urgent need to let your U.S. Representative know that passing it in the House is imperative to the future of conservation.

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
S3 E12 - The Boone & Crockett Club's CEO, Tony Schoonen
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
The Boone and Crockett Club’s CEO, Tony Schoonen – Season 3 Episode 12 – June 18
This week, we are pleased to welcome our partner in conservation, Tony Schoonen the Chief Executive Officer of the Boone and Crockett Club. Tony gives us a little bit of the Club’s history and how it was founded by Theodore Roosevelt in 1887. He explains how the Club was started by “people of influence” and the bylaws today continue to have just 100 regular members, along with a strong group of professional members, who help steer policy and priorities for the Club. Tony also talks about the Boone and Crockett records program and how that was established not just to honor the largest animals, but also a science-based process to evaluate the health of ecosystems and the wildlife that live there. From there, we discuss Boone and Crockett’s Hunt Fair Chase program and the fundamental ethics of fair chase hunting, as well as their new Poach and Pay program that is intended to increase detection and prosecution of poaching. These efforts also help to protect the image of all ethical hunters. We wrap up talking about the 30th Big Game Awards program and the Boone and Crockett National Collection of Heads and Horns at the Wonders of Wildlife Museum in Springfield, Missouri. Tony and Miles Moretti wrap up by talking about the overall health of mule deer and that, while there are concerns like Chronic Wasting Disease, that there are still outstanding mule deer bucks being harvested in recent years.

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
S3 E11 - Responsive Management with Mark Duda
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
“Human Dimensions” with Mark Duda – Season 3 Episode 11 – June 4
Today Steve and Jodi are talking to Mark Duda, one of the leading researchers studying what is known as the “human dimensions” of wildlife management. Mark explains what human dimensions is and why understanding the people side of conservation needs to be done in the same scientific process that drives the actual management of species. Mark’s firm, Responsive Management, conducts public interviews to get a better understanding of what people want to see with wildlife management, along with understanding the best way to explain wildlife conservation issues to a public that might have a very different connection with the natural world. We hear about the results of some of his latest research, along with Responsive Management’s long-term studies about public opinion about hunting. We talk about the difference between animal rights and animal welfare, and how the majority of hunters respect animals and care about the welfare of the wildlife they pursue. He also gives us the top three arguments that you can use in defense of hunting, and ones that are the least effective. If you’ve ever wanted to better understand what the public thinks about hunting, and to more effectively talk to non-hunters about your passion for hunting, this is an important episode to listen to - and to share with your hunting buddies. As Mark says, if you can control the language you can control the conversation.

Friday May 22, 2020
S3 E10 - Mule Deer Memorial Day Marathon
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Mule Deer Memorial Day Marathon – Season 3 Episode 10 – May 21
This is our 59th episode of Talking Mule Deer and we are encouraging our listeners to get on a Mule Deer Memorial Day Marathon. This week, Jodi and Steve are reflecting back on the two years of the TMD podcast and hoping listeners go back and binge listen to some of our favorite episodes. We revisit those early days of putting together our first interview with Miles Moretti, and how the podcast has grown and developed over the last two years. We talk about what have been some of the most popular downloads as well as the episodes that have provided different important topics that we hope our listeners have appreciated. For the future, we will be launching listener interaction opportunities and encourage people to ask us questions, suggest new topics, or tell us who you’ve liked that you think we should bring back on the show. The new podcast@muledeer.org email address, along with MDF social media channels will allow listeners to submit their comments or questions – and if we use them on air, we will be sending you some MDF swag to thank you for your engagement. So, listen up, remember some of the old episodes and help us move forward this year in expanding our reach to mule deer enthusiasts across the country!

Tuesday May 05, 2020
S3 E9 - Wyoming with Ike Eastman and Shawn Blajsczak
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Wyoming with Ike Eastman and Shawn Blajszczak – Season 3 Episode 9 – May 5
This episode features Steve talking with Ike Eastman, president and CEO of Eastmans’ Hunting Journals, and Mule Deer Foundation Wyoming regional director, Shawn Blajszczak. Ike tells us a little bit of history about how his grandfather and his father spent the “heyday” of mule deer wandering around Wyoming filming deer and other big game. With this perspective of three generations, Ike talks about what they see as the greatest challenges for mule deer in the state including how winter range and migration corridors are critical to ensure the herds are sustained. Shawn then talks about the grant that MDF received from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to help restore habitat for mule deer herds prioritized in the Wyoming SO 3362 action plan. They then talk about how important it is for avid hunters to help by being active members of MDF, supporting conservation projects, and being involved in state policy that affects our wildlife resources. Ike tells us about the Eastmans’ upcoming film, previewed at the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo, that uses their historic and current footage, combined with the new knowledge about mule deer migrations and winter range, to raise awareness and serve as a call to action.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
S3 E8 - Idaho Mule Deer with Idaho Fish and Game
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Idaho Mule Deer with Idaho Fish and Game – Season 3 Episode 8 – April 27
On this episode of Talking Mule Deer, Steve is talking with Daryl Meints, Idaho Department Fish and Game’s (IDFG) deer and elk coordinator, and Matt Pieron, IDFG’s Mule Deer Initiative Coordinator. We hear about Idaho’s new Mule Deer Management Plan that was recently completed. Matt and Daryl tell us about how they developed the plan and some of the issues, like hunter congestion, that they are attempting to tackle. They also talk about habitat projects, including MDF’s work in the Bennett Hills to restore sagebrush in important mule deer winter range after wildfires burned through the area. Steve asks them about some of the Idaho priorities for big game migration corridors through their Secretarial Order 3362 state action plan. One of their projects include improving deer crossings over Highway 30 in the Rocky Point migration corridor in the southeast corridor of the state, an area that has had significant deer mortality during seasonal movements every year. They’ve also identified research priorities to analyze data from collared animals to better understand deer migrations. We wrap up by talking about Idaho’s upcoming hunting season and tag applications.

Friday Apr 17, 2020
S3 E7 - State fo MDF with President/CEO Miles Moretti
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
State of MDF with President/CEO Miles Moretti – Season 3 Episode 7 – April 16
Today Steve and Jodi are talking with Miles Moretti, President/CEO of the Mule Deer Foundation (from the safety of our homes in three states). While we always try and do a “State of the Organization” interview with Miles, this one is particularly important as MDF grapples along with the rest of the world with how to function in the “new normal” created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The stay-at-home orders around the country fell in the heart of our normal banquet fundraising time and, like so many others, the potential loss of income is daunting. Miles tells us about how most chapters are working to reschedule these banquets and we hear about how Conservation Continues at MDF with the support of partners Henry Repeating Arms, Reeds Family Outfitters, PhoneSkope and Pyro Putty who are matching donations to the organization through the end of April. We also talk about other ways to support the organization, including the Ultimate Giveaway Raffle, hunting tags being auctioned online at OnlineHuntingAuctions.com, firearm online auctions at GunBroker.com, membership renewals, and Amazon Smile. We also remind members that, while getting in the outdoors is a great way to stay active during the shutdown, it’s important to stay local and practice #ResponsibleRecreation and follow CDC recommendations in order to avoid spreading the virus into small communities. After recognizing our current realities, we talk about what MDF accomplished in 2019 for mule deer conservation and what is on the horizon, even amidst the current situation. We wrap up talking about Miles’ legacy with the organization with his pending retirement on September 30.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Understanding the Economics of Hunting and Shooting with Rob Southwick and Jim Curcuruto – Season 3 Episode 6 – March 30
This episode of Talking Mule Deer is focused helping to understand the economic impact of the hunting and shooting have on conservation and why that’s so important. Rob Southwick, a natural resource economist who runs Southwick Associates, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation's Jim Curcuruto talk about what they are doing to take participation and spending data and make it relevant to the public. Hunters and target shooters spend billions of dollars every year in pursuit of their pastime (we’ll tell you how much!) – but when you factor the economic ripple effect for each dollar spent that impact is even greater, particularly in the rural communities where we hunt and fish. Rob and Jim also work with groups like the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation and American Sportfishing Association to put those numbers in context with other mainstream industries and share that information with elected officials and the media. We discuss about how this spending goes back into state wildlife conservation – and increasingly for state-run shooting ranges – through excise taxes on certain hunting and shooting products through the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937 (also known as Pittman-Robertson Act) Program. Finally, Jim talks about how NSSF is working with state wildlife agencies and the shooting sports industry to “Partner with a Payer” so that industry staff can understand what states are doing with the taxes they pay, and state agency staff can understand more about the manufacturing of guns and ammunition. He also talks about recent research that shows there’s a lot of interest in the general public about learning how to shoot and what three things might help get them out on the range.

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Mexican Mule Deer Hunt with Kryptek Outdoors Co-Founder, Butch Whiting – Season 3 Episode 5 – March 16
Today on Talking Mule Deer, Steve Belinda and Arizona Game & Fish Department’s Dr. Jim Heffelfinger are talking with Kryptek Outdoors Co-founder, Butch Whiting, about his quest for a gigantic mule deer buck down in Mexico. Butch talks about how this journey included 30 days of field time over three years in search of a free-range Sonoran Desert mule deer. He tells us what it’s like to hunt in Mexico, from the dense cactus and brush to the hours searching for these ghost deer that appear and disappear in mere moments, perhaps never to be seen again. Jim joins the conversation with insights into deer biology and behavior in desert environments. Whiting describes how they found his “muy grande” buck and his experience on his hunt. He also gives us specific details of what’s involved in booking and traveling into Mexico for the hunt. We wrap up by hearing about what is new for Kryptek this year and a video project they will be releasing soon documenting the Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s mule deer management program